Which real estate course is right for me? – Course finder

Are you unsure which real estate course you should enrol in? Check out our course recommendation quiz and find the most suitable real estate course based on your career plans and location.

What real estate course I should enrol into
Course finder quiz

Not sure about what course to enrol into?

Entry Education’s advanced real estate course finder is here to guide you on your journey to choosing the ideal course. Our course finder will consider and evaluate your unique needs, goals, and preferences and find the best match for you. From there, all you need to do is enrol and enjoy your path to becoming an unstoppable force in the real estate world.

Entry Education are Australia’s leaders in real estate training, finance courses, and mortgage broking courses. Our courses are the best investment for your future as a real estate agent, and it’s easier than ever to select and enrol in your courses. Our real estate course finder takes your location, career plans, experience, and urgency into account to find the best real estate course for your career, no matter where in Australia you are.

With record-breaking property prices and fervent buyer demand, Australia’s real estate and finance industries are seeing an enormous boom — so, there’s no better time than now to get started with your career as a real estate agent. Complete our course finder quiz now and explore the potential you’ve been waiting to tap into. The future of your real estate career begins right here — take the first step today!

Real estate course finder – Frequently asked questions

What is included in a real estate course?

There are many real estate courses out there, and each one may differ. However, the core components and function remain the same. Most courses will cover the following areas of study:

  • Assistant agent: The first step is usually to complete a course qualifying you to work as an assistant agent or representative to a licensed real estate agent. This entry-level role is a good step to gain some experience in the business.
  • Real estate agent: The next step is to complete units of study to qualify you to work as a real estate agent in your state or territory.
  • Real estate principal: The final stage qualifies you to operate as a real estate principal or director — once you complete this course, you can run your own real estate agency!

If you’re unsure what courses you need to take, don’t worry — Entry Education’s real estate course finder can do the work for you. However, it’s always a good idea to do your own research into what the requirements are for your state or territory. If you’re working towards running your own real estate agency, make sure you’ve completed all the necessary course units.

What will your real estate course finder ask me?

Our real estate course finder quiz will ask you several key questions which you should answer as accurately as possible:

  • what state do you want to work in?
  • what type of agent do you want to become?
  • do you have any real estate experience?
  • what form of course delivery are you looking for?
  • how urgently do you want to get your qualification done?
  • where can we send your quiz results?

From there, our quiz will calculate your results and inform you via phone or email of the course(s) you’re most suited to. We’ll take into account your experience, your end goal, preferred delivery method, and level of urgency to find you the most suitable courses to get you where you need to go.

Are real estate courses different in different states?

While the outline and delivery of each real estate course may differ between Australian states, each course leads to the same important outcome: you’ll be eligible to apply for your real estate licence.

However, it’s important to note that you should enrol in a course specific to your location. If you’re in NSW, you should undergo your real estate course in NSW and register with NSW Fair Trading — this will authorise you to sell real estate in NSW, but not any other state or territory. If you want to operate in multiple states, you’ll need to apply for a new licence in those states.

Why should I take a real estate course?

The main reason to go through the courses and get qualified as a professional real estate agent is the near-unlimited potential for growth and profit. Australia’s real estate market offers a whole host of exciting opportunities, and real estate agents play a pivotal role in contributing to those opportunities. If you’ve got strong communication skills, a passion for properties, and a drive to succeed, your career in real estate can be supremely rewarding.

How many courses do I need to become a real estate agent?

The number of courses and units of study vary depending on your location and career goals. For example, you’ll need to complete more units to become a real estate director and run your own agency than if you simply want to apply to an entry-level assistant agent job. Entry Education’s real estate course finder will tailor its recommendations to your goals and preferences. For more information, check out our guide to becoming a real estate agent in Australia.

What should I do after I finish my course?

After you’ve completed your real estate course, apply to the corresponding authority in your state or territory. If you’re successful, you’ll obtain your real estate licence. From there, it’s time to dive in and get started. Immerse yourself in the real estate industry by speaking to other agents, attending auctions and open houses, and reading real estate listings.

How do I find the right real estate course?

It’s easy — simply complete our real estate course finder quiz (it’ll only take you a few minutes!) and enrol in the courses it recommends you. Whether you’re looking to become an assistant agent, a licensed real estate agent, or a real estate director, we can guide you towards the right courses.