Hard work and dedication are often cited as keys to building a successful career in real estate. Undoubtedly, a bit of grit will do wonders for your career, but there are also plenty of other attributes that will contribute to real estate success.
Coming to the real estate industry, you’ll quickly realise that there are many approaches that professionals rely on to close deals and get clients — and the effective implementation of these strategies is what differentiates the novices from the top players in the market.

1. Increase your visibility

It’s hard to build a real estate career if potential clients don’t know that you exist. Make a point to set up basic touchpoints where clients can discover your services; at the very least, you should have a real estate website, social media accounts, and some form of marketing for lead generation.
Apart from having an online presence, your physical presence at certain industry events will help increase your exposure to potential referrals, while cementing your place in the local market.

2. Get in touch, stay in touch

Networking is one of the most important tools in real estate and forms the basis of the entire industry. This goes for both fellow industry professionals and past clients.
Considering that 42% of a typical real estate agent’s business comes from repeat clients or referrals (MyOutDesk), maintaining close relationships with existing and past clients can mean a world of difference for your list of leads, especially if they had a positive experience.
Collaborating with other real estate professionals is valid strategy for expanding the natural market reach that you have. Of course, the more successful you become, the less relevant this type of collaborative work will become.

successful real estate agent

3. Know your market, and your competition

A well-prepared real estate professional is one that does their research. Staying updated with changing market trends and understanding how they will affect your clients should be part and parcel of your service offering. Clients appreciate a professional that displays expertise by having the answers to their questions and concerns.
Your competition will also be trying to achieve this. Set yourself apart by offering valuable insights and not just information about specific metrics.

4. Focus on the little details

The comprehensive nature of real estate services usually results in an unending list of action items. In hectic periods, it’s easy to go through the motions on a basic level just to get the job done, but this can come at the cost of the service feeling too barebones from the client’s perspective.
As challenging as it may be, choosing to pay attention to the minute details of a transaction can make a big difference to the client. Small pieces of information like the client mentioning that they have a very sentimental attachment to a home can help you adapt you approach accordingly for a better outcome.

5. Be authentic

Let’s be real — the majority of real estate clients already know what kind of service they need, whether it’s to sell a home or search for a property. What many budding real estate professionals don’t realise is that only a handful of clients actually need someone to “sell” the service to them, most are just looking for someone they can trust to get the job done well.
Being authentic and honest with clients can help to establish a level of trust and mutual respect which will go a long way to creating the right sort of relationship. Remember that behind every property transaction and service is a client with their own hopes and dreams.

6. Keep learning

The real estate industry is not the same as it once was a decade ago and will continue to evolve alongside changing demand and regulations. Real estate professionals who have built an established career often make the mistake of maintaining a static approach to their services — after all, why fix something that’s not broken?
Once you’ve found a strategy that works for you, the tendency is to stick to it for as long as possible. Still, many industry experts agree that staying open to continual learning and improvement is the only way to ensure future success. Whether it’s obtaining a new qualification or attending related training, keep your skills sharp through learning.

At Entry Education, we’re passionate about training the next generation of real estate professionals to raise the bar in the industry and set individuals on the path for a successful career. We are an accredited provider of quality real estate training courses across New South Wales, Victoria, and all other parts of Australia.

Successful in real estate

Published On: July 1st, 2024 / Categories: Real estate industry /

About the Author: Ryan Keys

Ryan is the co-founder and co-director of the Entry Group. An innovator in the education scene, Ryan takes great pride in encouraging and empowering the students and his peers. Unafraid to challenge the norm, Ryan set the goal to offer unrivalled support for students in the real estate education industry. Eight years on, and Entry Education is the leading and largest real estate education provider, a testament to Ryan’s work ethic and determination.

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