Watch or read below the interview with Nick Sharkey, a real estate agent from Knight Frank. Nick recently won the hotly contested Rising Star award for Victoria. Watch this video to hear why Nick became Fully Licensed, and why he has referred five of his colleagues to  Entry Education.

Video Transcript

Cale Morton: Hi, Nick, mate thanks for joining me how you’re going.

Nick Sharkey: Good Cale, thanks for getting me in.

Cale Morton: Mate no problems. Now you recently completed the licence course with us. I want to go into that a little bit later. You’re obviously working, you’ve been working hard recently and you’ve recently won the Rising Star of Victoria award. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Nick Sharkey: Yeah, mate thanks for that. Yeah, the Rising Star was given to the employee, Knight Frank Victoria. For their excellent work in the last 12 months, with experience under three years. So it was great to win that award.

Cale Morton: Well done, no surprises to me, tell us a little bit about your career anyway. How did you end up at Knight Frank?

Nick Sharkey: Yeah, I was at Deakin doing a commercial property course and, I was working part time at a company called Allied Shelter in the CBD doing a bit of admin real estate admin, I did about two years there and transferred over to Knight Frank and yeah, I’ve been there about three years now and been really good, really enjoying my time there.

Cale Morton: Absolutely. And how are you finding, the current climate and the lockdown in Victoria? I mean, how you’re handling it, what are you doing?

Nick Sharkey - Knight Frank

Nick Sharkey: Yeah, well obviously it’s a stage four come back announced. It’s going to be very slow in my role being an office leasing agent, no inspections to be under taken. But it’s just one of those things we just tackle and we work as a team and try and find some new implementations to work through. Everybody’s going to be a bumpy period.

Cale Morton: A teamwork. Absolutely love it. Now you just completed your licence course with us. Tell us, how did you find that?

Nick Sharkey: Well, first I remember it was made easy by the guys at Entry Education. It was good to get a helping hand through them to tick off the Certificate IV

Cale Morton: Really. Absolutely. Why did you do the Certificate IV mate? Can we just get a bit of an insight into that?

Nick Sharkey: I think it was just something to kind of boost my credentials. I said I started at Deakin, but didn’t get the degree. So it was nice to have that Certificate IV as a little bit of education from my real estate career.

Cale Morton: Absolutely. Now tell us, you’ve actually referred about four or five of your colleagues. Why is it that you refer people to us, and you know, spread the word of Entry Education?

Nick Sharkey: Well, as I said, it was, it couldn’t have been made easier by you guys. Obviously we have a personal relationship and that’s how I got into you guys. But, If anyone was looking to do it, it’s certainly pretty straight forward and easy, made by Cale and the rest of you guys, I’m like, I was given contact, by three or four people that are at Entry Education. And you know, it’s not just one man band down there. It’s everyone getting together and helping you out.

Cale Morton: Right. Very true. We do work as a team in the office here, but mate, look, I don’t want to hold you up any longer. I know you’re a busy man. Your time is very valuable, so I’ll leave it. Thanks for, thanks for joining. Really appreciate it.

Nick Sharkey: Thanks Cale, thanks again.

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Published On: November 24th, 2021 / Categories: Interviews /

About the Author: Ryan Keys

Ryan is the co-founder and co-director of the Entry Group. An innovator in the education scene, Ryan takes great pride in encouraging and empowering the students and his peers. Unafraid to challenge the norm, Ryan set the goal to offer unrivalled support for students in the real estate education industry. Eight years on, and Entry Education is the leading and largest real estate education provider, a testament to Ryan’s work ethic and determination.

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